Wednesday, August 26, 2009

a. iii

° ° °

29 Sep 2008, 23:50

i love socks too! especially argyle.
if i could do it without feeling like a complete tool,
i'd wear golfer's knickerbockers
with knee-high argyle socks and saddle shoes! seriously!

you ARE cool as shit. don't ever doubt that!
you should definitely have a pair of chucks! i have black,
cause i can wear them with just about anything. but i can't see you wearing black.
as far as i can tell, you're a very colorful person; inside and out.
what's your favorite color? get THAT color!

why did i drop out? because i'm too cool for school!
but seriously, i quit going about a year after my mother died.
i lost my focus and couldn't concentrate well enough
to produce anything worthy of a passing grade.
i felt empty of all creativity.
i felt empty in general.
then, finally, my grade point average
dropped .02-points below the acceptable level
for financial aid eligibility. i no longer qualified for financial aid
and i couldn't afford to pay tuition on my own, so i quit. and i never went back.

i wonder if you've enjoyed your stay in the city that i love so much.


3 Oct 2008, 19:40

oh man! that outfit sounds rad!!

I have to say my favorite color is turquoise -
so i may get a turq pair or a 'jean' blue pair. :)

San Francisco was fantastic.
your list came in so handy and i was totally excited
when ever i found something that you recommended.
We did the 'divey bar' night just as you suggested and had a blast.

and dotties!! wow. we didnt have to wait
cause we went for a true Brunch at noon but i saw the line ups earlier that day.
went to eden and eden - chatted with the owner for a bit. very cool space.
i didnt buy anything but was thinking of ordering the horse t-shirt
cause i love it:

totally enjoyed SFMOMA
(even thought the Frida Kahlo show was sold out - boo),
and LOVED the new science museum! the exhibit design was amazing.

had a fucking delicious veggie sandwich at java beach
and had fun taking the muni out there!

i had your list up on my iphone the whole time. :)
so basically you rock and next time i am in the bay area
i hope you are too cause i'd love to take you out for a beer or five!

i'm sorry about your mother.
that must have been a very hard time.
you seem to have gotten your creativity back!
i think your sketches and photos are really wonderful.

have a great weekend michael!


modern dancer

dreams of dancers last night. i was working at a coffeehouse again and we were auditioning dancers to work at the coffeehouse. i'm not s...